Minting Gold & Silver Coins

Minting Gold & Silver Coins

We are a new designer and wholesaler of beautiful, collectible, store of value 99.99% pure silver and gold coins.

With 20 years of experience in the gold and silver bullion market including numismatics, we know coins - bullion, proof and collector coins.

Ireland and the Celtic world does not have its own series of beautiful gold and silver bullion coins.

We believe these coins will be particularly popular in Ireland itself and in countries with large Irish populations like Scotland, Wales, England, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the U.S.

Tara Coins will be minted by long established and trusted refinery and mint partners in Europe and the U.S. who are London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) members.

They monitor the source of all the precious metals they refine and mint and this ensures that precious metals are sourced transparently, responsibly and ethically. All precious metals are sourced from leading LBMA mint and refinery members.

There is strictly no sourcing of gold and silver directly from mines anywhere in the world and most definitely no sourcing of metals from conflict affected or high risk areas.We will at all times comply with all applicable laws and guidelines and ensure the precious metals in Tara Coins are sourced responsibly and ethically.


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